Is your air damaging your health?
The recent pandemic has drawn further attention to the poor air quality in buildings and highlighted the need to clean, purify and sanitise it for the benefit of occupants.
Our ongoing development and sourcing of solutions to reduce risk and increase productivity for our customers enables us to offer tailored solutions to meet your specific requirements and help you clean your air .
Can we help you to make your facilities infection resilient?
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What are you doing to combat the range of harmful pathogens that live indoors?
Since the start of the pandemic, hygiene and cleanliness has become paramount in all organisations but little attention has been paid to the quality of indoor air.
It is estimated that we spend up to 90% of our time indoors where we know that air circulates at a lower rate creating an environment that allows harmful pollutants and contaminates to exist.
The provision of clean air is fundamental to any strategy designed to prevent and control the transmission of infections and other diseases.
Are you looking to improve your indoor air quality?
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Natural ventilation, leaving windows and doors open for fresh air, is not enough
Historically, natural ventilation was promoted as an effective method to manage indoor air quality and although in some circumstances this may be helpful, it is now recognised that this strategy will not provide the preferred solution.
In many areas, the air outside will often contain more harmful pollutants than the air inside, in addition, this is unlikely to be cost-effective due to the design of the building or its location and especially with regard to climate control and energy efficiency.
Natural ventilation may well be helpful, but it will not provide the complete solution.
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Air filtration and air cleaning, is there a difference ?
Air filtration should not be considered the same as air cleaning or purification. Filter only systems are designed to trap and collect particle matter from the air being processed and their effectiveness will depend on the design, the materials used and the size of the particles it can capture.
Filters trap and collect airborne particles and require careful handling when being replaced.
Air cleaning refers to the process of removing airborne contaminants, particles or pollutants with many devices incorporating UVC technology within their design.